Formats Concerto Understands
Concerto uses ImageMagick and LibreOffice for its image handling needs, and accepts for upload any format those programs can process -- which represents most formats presently in any sort of wide use. Belows is a list of the most common graphical and related formats that Concerto accepts for upload.
- JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- PNG - Portable Network Graphic
- GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
- PDF - Portable Document Format
- PPT Microsoft Powerpoint 2003
- PPTX Microsoft Powerpoint 2007
- DOC - Microsoft Word 2003
- DOCX - Microsoft Word 2007
- XLS - Microsoft Excel 2003
- XLSX - Microsoft Excel 2007
- BMP - Windows Bitmap
- HTML - Document
- PSD - Adobe Photoshop
- EPS - Encapsulated PostScript
- ODF Drawing
- PBM - Portable Bitmap
- PCT - Mac Pict
- SGF - StarWriter Graphics Format
- StarDraw 5.0
- SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
- TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
- WMF - Windows Metafile
- OpenOffice ODF Presentation